My Canadian made General bandsaw has been a trouper. I bought it new about twenty years agoand so far the only thing that has gone awry is a benign rattle that started at about week number two which I have never traced to a culprit and the upper blade guide that crapped out about five or more years ago.
I lived with the busted pot-metal guide for the longest time, gently nursing it along for a year or more until it gave out. I did an epoxy fix on it which brought it back to life for another year or more until very recently it said “Screw you buddy. I’m busted!”.
General closed it’s doors a few years back and I saw no point in going searching for a replacement. I need the saw up and running pronto. I have boats to build. I looked into a fancy roller bearing upgrade but the cost is just too high for me right now. There was one solution. Get my hands dirty.
This is part 1 of a two part series in which you will follow me as I puzzle my way through a little brass and silver solder fabrication project.